Friday, November 6, 2009

Our son Evan was born today.

How to describe the birth of a child, to someone who has never seen it? How to describe the emotional cataclysm that is childbirth, when all you can use is English? I thought a wedding was intense, but I had words for that. This, this is different. I have no words that would effectively describe what has happened in the last 2 days, and so I leave the dear reader with some of the images I captured yesterday, and the day before.

Our son is happy, healthy, and was born with hair. We are very pleased, and relieved that 28 hours of labour are over.

Kees & Tania


Kari --- said...

WoW!!! CONGRATS Kees and Tania..... and yes, I agree.. there are NO words to describe the intensity that is childbirth. It's beautiful, awe-inspiring and brings you to a whole new level of love!

Details, boy! What's his full name? Weight? I see he was c-sect??? I hope Mama's feeling great and enjoying the new bub!

Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Tania looks absolutely radiant with that boy in her arms! I'm so happy for the two of you! Enjoy every single little moment because time flies once you have a child.

Cindy F

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness he is absolutely perfect!! We are so happy for you guys!! Auntie you look fantastic in your first mommy & Evan pic...I wish you guys didn't have to endure 28hrs of labour but he is the amazing prize at the end of the race. I am just in awe of him.

Danielle & Peter

Anonymous said...

What a perfect boy, screaming his longs out, he wants to be heard. Many happy enjoyable hours, days and years to come.
